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Vernon Grounds

Vernon Grounds

Dr. Vernon C. Grounds, Our Daily Bread writer, went to be with the Lord on September 12, 2010, at the age of 96. He wrote over 500 articles from 1993–2009 for the publication. Former president of Denver Seminary and chancellor, Dr. Grounds also had  an extensive preaching, teaching, and counseling ministry. He is deeply missed by many for his godly wisdom and example. For more of his life's story >>

Articles by Vernon Grounds

The Great Earthquake

On December 26, 2004, an earthquake shook the whole earth. Many people didn’t feel it, but the South Asian region and parts of Africa suffered a devastating tsunami as a result. According to reporter Randolph Schmid, however, “No point on Earth remained undisturbed.” That earthquake, he tells us, “shook the ground everywhere on Earth’s surface.”

Name Above All Names

If you knew for certain that you were going to lose your voice and that you would never be able to speak again, what would you want your final words to be?

The Maker Of Mountains

The Bible uses vivid imagery to express the brevity of our life on earth. Job said that his days were “swifter than a runner” and “they pass by like swift ships” (Job 9:25-26).

Come Quickly!

As the year 2004 ended and 2005  began, the world suffered a series of catastrophes. Were they signs of Christ’s second coming? Were they evidence of God’s wrath, His judgment on mankind’s sin? Or were they simply the upheaval of natural forces?

Truth That Transforms

Truth is truth even if it doesn’t seem to affect our lives directly. But the truth that God gives us in the Bible not only opens heaven’s door for us, it also changes our lives.

Life’s Storm-Tossed Sea

Emilie, wife of 19th-century Ger man pastor Christoph Blumhardt, envied his ability to pray for his parishioners and then effortlessly fall asleep. So one night she pleaded, “Tell me your secret!”

From Awe To Adoration

What's the greatest activity we can spend time doing? Worshiping God! Worship is not repeating hasty, routine petitions or listening to mood-inducing music. Worship is the experience of being "lost in wonder, love, and praise," as Charles Wesley wrote. It's awe that inspires adoration.


So many of our hopes and dreams remain unfulfilled. Composer Franz Schubert departed this world leaving behind his "Unfinished Symphony." Similarly, prolific author Charles Dickens was unable to fully develop the plot of his novel The Mystery of Edwin Drood.

Doing What We Can

Sometimes we may get discouraged because what we're doing for the Lord seems unsuccessful. The children in the Sunday school class we teach are restless and inattentive. The neighbors we're trying to reach with the gospel are politely indifferent. The members of our own family are far from the Lord. The world we lift up to God in fervent intercession grows increasingly violent and anti-Christian. All of this can add up to deep soul-discouragement.